
Suggested Reading: 


73rd edition Statistical Review of World Energy (June 2024) https://www.energyinst.org/statistical-review

2023 saw record consumption of fossil fuels and record emissions from energy, but also record generation of renewables, driven by increasingly competitive wind and solar energy. In this Year’s Statistical Review, the Energy Institute reports on another year of highs in our energy hungry world. 

The Cleantech Revolution (June 2024) by Kingsmill Bond, Sam Butler-Sloss, Daan Walter https://rmi.org/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2024/06/RMI-Cleantech-Revolution-pdf.pdf

“The Cleantech Revolution” is the third installment of RMI’s annual energy transition presentation. It highlights the disruption of the energy system by renewable energy, electrification, and efficiency. Over the past decade, cleantech costs have fallen significantly, while investment and solar generation have increased drastically. As a result, electricity has become the largest source of useful energy, and efficiency has reduced energy demand. With the drivers of change outpacing the barriers, cleantech is expected to continue growing, leading to a decline in fossil fuel demand and bringing the Paris Agreement within reach.


Heat: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet (2023) by Jeff Goodell  https://books.google.com/books/about/Heat.html?id=IvmnEAAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description

A searing examination of the impact that temperature rise will have on our lives and what we can do to stop it, by the author of The Water Will Come  


Climatenomics: Washington, Wall Street, and the Economic Battle to Save Our Planet (2022) by Bob Keefe. https://climatenomicsbook.com/   

Bob Keefe is currently the executive director of E2 (https://e2.org/), a national, nonpartisan group of business leaders who advocate for policies that are good for the economy and good for the environment.


The Ministry for the Future, which is a climate fiction (“cli-fi”) novel by American science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson published in 2020. 

Set in the near future, the novel follows a subsidiary body, established under the Paris Agreement, whose mission is to act as an advocate for the world’s future generations of citizens as if their rights are as valid as the present generation’s.


The Revenge of GAIA–Earth’s Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity (2006), by James Lovelock. 

“Gaia theory tells us that the entire Earth functions as a single living superorganism, regulating its internal environment… but now that organism is sick” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_hypothesis




Relevant Videos:

The Economist – The carbon cycle is key to understanding climate change


The Economist – How green is the energy revolution really?




Online Resources:


Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Incentives 

Investing in EV charging is more affordable than you think. Governments and utilities offer an array of tax credits, rebates and grants that can help put you on the road to a more sustainable future.

 Inside Climate News

Prize-winning, nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that provides essential reporting and analysis on climate change, energy and the environment, for the public and for decision makers. On the website you can choose any of the newsletters, it’s all free.


PERC is a research institute dedicated to promoting conservation by exploring how voluntary trade can produce positive environmental outcomes. We are committed to exploring the ideas of free market environmentalism, and this research is the foundation of PERC”        


What Does a Just Transition Really Mean?